



Decentraland MANA price for today is 0.2636 US Dollars. It has market capitalization of 516235092 and a trading volume of 31470 over the last 24h. Current circulating supply of 1942255184 Million coins.

Prices provided by TradingView are for reference only and are indicative. For accurate and real-time pricing, please refer to our trading platform.

Follow this real-time Decentraland price chart to speculate on the price movements of the MANA/USD pair. With this convenient live chart, you can view the current MANA/USD price, analyze the price dynamics, trace historical MANA to USD exchange rates, build your trading strategy, and trade Decentraland with leverage on PrimeXBT.

About Decentraland

The MANA/USD rate indicates how many US dollars are required to purchase a MANA. You can watch the MANA/USD values in real time on CoinCodex and other trading platforms, and use the interactive chart to improve your technical analysis of this trading pair. Currently, 1 MANA is worth 2.15 USD. This indicates that at the current MANA/AUSD exchange rate, 1 MANA can be converted into 2.15 US dollars. By exchanging your MANA for USD on a cryptocurrency exchange, you can convert MANA to USD.

Trade MANA on PrimeXBT

Trading Conditions

Asset type
Leverage types
Cross / Isolated
Minimum order size
Maximum single order size
80000 MANA
Order types
Limit, Stop, Market
Long/Short funding rate
0.007% / 0.0181%
Next financing
3/4/2025, 4:00:00 PM UTC
Maker / Taker Fee
0.01% / 0.045%

Some important information

The trading conditions on our platforms are updated daily to reflect the average from the previous day. Although we try to always provide the best possible conditions, these may vary and can be affected by underlying market events. The info we provide is for indicative purposes only and can be changed at any time.

The trading conditions provided above apply under normal market conditions. We have the right to amend these at any time, as per our Terms and Conditions.

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